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Naxxar Youth Local Council is part of a project that encourages youth to become active participants in their localities. A youth worker assists us during the duration of the project so that with research and effort we discover the needs of our locality. We then prepare an action plan and a budget to explain how we intend to bring about the necessary changes in our locality. We submit our proposals where a committee appointed by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ and the National Youth Council (Malta) will select the best three projects. A maximum of €3,000 are allotted for each of the ten projects chosen to be financed. Young people aged 14 and onwards are invited to embark on this experience

Youth Local Councils’ project is currently in its 4th edition. For this edition there are 25 participating localities and over 250 young people. During our experience we receive many training seminars by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, these mainly assist us to become good leaders, address community needs, enhance our communication skills and write a winning proposal.


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